reclaim energy costs

Frequently Asked Questions

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We get asked questions about energy contracts all the time. Have a look through our frequently asked questions to find the answer you need.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for then give us a call on 02037008442 and someone will assist you with any questions you have.

two men looking over a tablet

When finding you a new business contract, your energy broker should declare the commission that they will make from the deal, and where that money will be taken from.

If they do not do so, either in the contract itself, or verbally with you, there is a good chance that they have mis-sold you your contract. Many energy brokers will claim that they are offering their clients free services, with any commission taken from the supplier alone as an incentive for arranging the deal. In reality, they will either be paid a portion of every unit of energy from the supplier that you use or make their money through hidden fees and undeclared commission.

Absolutely, it is one of the key factors in determining if you have a claim and how much it is worth.

Energy brokers receive commission based on the energy rate at the time of the deal and the length of the contract. The longer the contract, the more they receive.

Unfortunately, this means that brokers will often recommend longer-deals in order to make themselves more money, even if this isn’t the best choice for their client, under the guise of protecting them against future market rises.

This will depend on contract length and worth but many of our clients receive pay-outs well exceeding £25,000.

Making a claim for mis-sold energy is far easier than you might realise, and brokers would like you to know.

All that you need to make a claim is the MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number) or MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number), the name of the energy supplier, the contract start and end date, and the current unit rates and standing charges involved.

We operate on a “no-win, no-fee basis” with absolutely no hidden fees and no risk to you the client of having to fork out for an unsuccessful claim.

Initial consultation and enquiries into whether you have a claim are conducted on a completely no obligation basis, with no fees charged to you at this stage.

Should you wish to make a claim we will clearly set out the fees that we will charge should the claim be successful, and you can decide if you wish to proceed.

Once compensation is awarded, we will deduct the fees stated prior to the claim being filed, and not a penny more.

Once you have provided us with information about your energy contract and signed a letter of authority giving us permission to contact and engage with your broker and supplier, sit back and let us do what we do best.

We will contact your broker and supplier to determine the value of your claim and pass this information on to you so you can decide if you want to proceed.

If you do our expert solicitors will work incredibly hard to give your claim the highest possible chance of success. You will have to do very little during the claims process, and we will only sever interrupt your business if absolutely necessary.

This depends on a number of things including the complexity of the case and the size of the claims but most of our claims are settled within weeks or a few months at the most.

Compensation claims involving business energy brokers can end up in court, but it is extremely uncommon.

Normally the claim will be settled long before it reaches this stage, but should your case go to court our expert solicitors will use their experience and expertise to present your case in a ways that give you the best chance of getting the compensation you deserve.

You will undoubtedly have heard all about the payment protection insurance (PPI) which was frequently mis-sold to customers and the compensation that many people have been able to recoup as a result. 

Energy business claims are similar in that policies were mis-sold although whilst PPI was sold to domestic customers, business energy claims refer to the non-domestic energy market.

Yes, clients blinding trusting their brokers to look out for their best interests and not carefully examining their contracts or the commissions being taken is the root cause of many a mis-sold policy.

Many of our clients have been with their brokers for many years only to discover they have betrayed their trust and taken advantage of them by charging hidden fees.

After your compensation claim there is a good chance that you will want to switch energy suppliers, and certainly won’t want to work with the same broker again.

There is a very small chance that your supplier may offer to cancel the contract, or occasionally to your benefit, the ongoing commissions being taken by your broker will cease, leaving you to paying a lower annual rate.

No, we are not an energy broker or an energy supplier. We help businesses who have been the victim of mis-sold insurance and hidden commission fees to reclaim what they are owed.

Unfortunately, many suppliers have deals with energy brokers where they will not disclose this information in return for the broker bringing them new clients.

Instead, they will leave it to the broker’s discretion whether or not they make their fees known.

We believe that this is unethical and unfair to you as a consumer and it is the covert nature of business energy brokering that first inspired us to help those who were unfairly mis-sold policies and have been paying over the odds for years as a result.

Again, there is nothing to stop you asking your broker where their commission comes from but there is also no way to know that they will tell you the truth. Energy brokers are not regulated but if you do ask and they refuse to tell you, give you incomplete information, or they tell you but refuse to give you evidence, there is a good chance that you could have a claim.

two men shaking hands

When finding you a new business contract, your energy broker should declare the commission that they will make from the deal, and where that money will be taken from.

If they do not do so, either in the contract itself, or verbally with you, there is a good chance that they have mis-sold you your contract. Many energy brokers will claim that they are offering their clients free services, with any commission taken from the supplier alone as an incentive for arranging the deal. In reality, they will either be paid a portion of every unit of energy from the supplier that you use or make their money through hidden fees and undeclared commission.

Absolutely, it is one of the key factors in determining if you have a claim and how much it is worth.

Energy brokers receive commission based on the energy rate at the time of the deal and the length of the contract. The longer the contract, the more they receive.

Unfortunately, this means that brokers will often recommend longer-deals in order to make themselves more money, even if this isn’t the best choice for their client, under the guise of protecting them against future market rises.

This will depend on contract length and worth but many of our clients receive pay-outs well exceeding £25,000.

Making a claim for mis-sold energy is far easier than you might realise, and brokers would like you to know.

All that you need to make a claim is the MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number) or MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number), the name of the energy supplier, the contract start and end date, and the current unit rates and standing charges involved.

We operate on a “no-win, no-fee basis” with absolutely no hidden fees and no risk to you the client of having to fork out for an unsuccessful claim.

Initial consultation and enquiries into whether you have a claim are conducted on a completely no obligation basis, with no fees charged to you at this stage.

Should you wish to make a claim we will clearly set out the fees that we will charge should the claim be successful, and you can decide if you wish to proceed.

Once compensation is awarded, we will deduct the fees stated prior to the claim being filed, and not a penny more.

Once you have provided us with information about your energy contract and signed a letter of authority giving us permission to contact and engage with your broker and supplier, sit back and let us do what we do best.

We will contact your broker and supplier to determine the value of your claim and pass this information on to you so you can decide if you want to proceed.

If you do our expert solicitors will work incredibly hard to give your claim the highest possible chance of success. You will have to do very little during the claims process, and we will only sever interrupt your business if absolutely necessary.

This depends on a number of things including the complexity of the case and the size of the claims but most of our claims are settled within weeks or a few months at the most.

Compensation claims involving business energy brokers can end up in court, but it is extremely uncommon.

Normally the claim will be settled long before it reaches this stage, but should your case go to court our expert solicitors will use their experience and expertise to present your case in a ways that give you the best chance of getting the compensation you deserve.

You will undoubtedly have heard all about the payment protection insurance (PPI) which was frequently mis-sold to customers and the compensation that many people have been able to recoup as a result. 

Energy business claims are similar in that policies were mis-sold although whilst PPI was sold to domestic customers, business energy claims refer to the non-domestic energy market.

Yes, clients blinding trusting their brokers to look out for their best interests and not carefully examining their contracts or the commissions being taken is the root cause of many a mis-sold policy.

Many of our clients have been with their brokers for many years only to discover they have betrayed their trust and taken advantage of them by charging hidden fees.

After your compensation claim there is a good chance that you will want to switch energy suppliers, and certainly won’t want to work with the same broker again.

There is a very small chance that your supplier may offer to cancel the contract, or occasionally to your benefit, the ongoing commissions being taken by your broker will cease, leaving you to paying a lower annual rate.

No, we are not an energy broker or an energy supplier. We help businesses who have been the victim of mis-sold insurance and hidden commission fees to reclaim what they are owed.

Unfortunately, many suppliers have deals with energy brokers where they will not disclose this information in return for the broker bringing them new clients.

Instead, they will leave it to the broker’s discretion whether or not they make their fees known.

We believe that this is unethical and unfair to you as a consumer and it is the covert nature of business energy brokering that first inspired us to help those who were unfairly mis-sold policies and have been paying over the odds for years as a result.

Again, there is nothing to stop you asking your broker where their commission comes from but there is also no way to know that they will tell you the truth. Energy brokers are not regulated but if you do ask and they refuse to tell you, give you incomplete information, or they tell you but refuse to give you evidence, there is a good chance that you could have a claim.


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business man